Rhino Beetle
Oryctes nasicornis illigeri

Rhino beetles, armored titans of the insect world, thrive in a variety of environments, from forest floors to tropical underbrush. These living tanks, equipped with formidable horn-like structures, are powerhouses capable of lifting weights many times their own.
At twilight, male rhino beetles take to the skies in a quest for companionship, their horns ready for the combat that is a ritual of courtship. These battles, often intense, are spectacles of strength and endurance, with the victors claiming the right to mate.
Females, meanwhile, burrow into the earth to craft secure havens for their offspring, depositing their eggs in well-hidden nests.
In the realm of the small, the rhino beetle is a force to be reckoned with, its robust exoskeleton shielding it from many predators. Yet, when vying for dominance amongst their kind, these insects face a unique set of trials. Their combat prowess, so advantageous in the wild, adds a layer of complexity to their mating rituals, making the path to reproduction a challenging journey.
+ Massive strength stats
+ One bug army
+ Very strong armour
+ Lots of health
+ Large horn deals massive armour piercing damage
+ Can fly (albeit awkwardly)
- Sluggish speed
- Individualistic, not colonial
- Prolonged growth period
- Larval stage susceptibility
- Intraspecies rivalry among males
Life Cycle:
Egg > Larva > Pupa > Adult
Varied habitats including forests and tropical areas
Subterranean nests created by females​
Rhino beetle larvae consume decomposing plant matter, while adults prefer fruit, nectar, and sap.