Reduviidae (assassin bug)

The wheel bug (Arilus cristatus) is a unique assassin bug species. With its unique coloration it stands out in the insect world. One of its most distinguishing features is the wheel-like structure present on its thorax, from which it gets its name.
As skilled predators, wheel bugs use their pointed beak to inject venom into their prey, primarily targeting other insects. This venom helps immobilize and digest their victims.
When a wheel bug bites an insect, the injected venom quickly immobilizes and begins to digest the prey. This venom is potent and effective, making the wheel bug a formidable predator. The prey is often killed swiftly, allowing the wheel bug to feed on its liquefied tissues.
Wheel bugs can communicate with each other through vibrations created by drumming their abdomens against a surface. These vibrations serve as a means of courtship and territorial defense.
Ready to play as the silent assasin?
+ Very formidable attack
+ Can immobilize prey
+ Stealth
+ Parental care for young
+ Good defense
+ Foul-smelling liquid defense
- Slow
- Can't fly
- Vulnerable during molting
- Weaker defense against large foes
Life Cycle:
Egg > Nymph> Adult Male/Female
Forrest & Jungle biome
Female wheel bugs typically use their specialized ovipositor to insert eggs into plant stems or crevices in bark.​
Wheel bugs are predatory insects and are primarily carnivorous. They have a diet mainly composed of other insects and small arthropods.