Stick Insect
Heteropteryx dilatata
Meet the formidable Heteropteryx dilatata, also known as the giant prickly stick insect or the New Guinea spiny stick insect!
This impressive creature is a true wonder of nature, towering over other insects. Don't let its prickly appearance fool you - this insect is a master of self-defense with spiny projections on its legs and body. Native to Papua New Guinea and surrounding areas, the Heteropteryx dilatata is a great choice among insect enthusiasts who wish to to explore the world in peace.
Prepare to be awed by this gentle giant of the insect world!
+ Very strong armor
+ Damage Reflection
+ Armor piercing bite
+ Can hide in plain sight
+ Gentle giant means diplomacy is a breeze
+ Can fly
+ Adults have lot of life
- Weak when young
- Slow growth
- Very slow movement
- Exposed Legs
Life Cycle:
Egg stage: The female stick insect lays her eggs on the ground or on a nearby plant.
Nymph stage: The newly hatched nymphs resemble miniature versions of the adult, but without wings and with less-developed legs. They molt several times as they grow, shedding their skin and developing larger body segments and wings with each molt.
Adult stage: Once the nymph has fully developed, it enters the adult stage. Adult Heteropteryx dilatata stick insects are large and impressive, with spiny projections on their legs and body. They have wings and are capable of flight, although they may not fly often in captivity. Adult stick insects are also capable of reproducing, and the cycle begins anew with the female laying eggs.
Forrest & Jungle biome
On the ground or on a nearby plant.​
They feed on a variety of plants, such as bramble, oak, and hazel. They may also eat fruits and flowers when available.