Goliath Birdeater
Theraphosa blondi

The Goliath birdeater is one of the largest spiders in the world, known for its massive size and powerful fangs. Despite its name, this giant tarantula rarely preys on birds but can capture and eat a wide variety of animals.
These spiders are ground-dwellers with a nocturnal hunting pattern. They rely on their sheer size and strength to overpower prey rather than intricate webs.
The Goliath birdeater is a sight to behold, with its hairy body and impressive leg span. It also has a unique defense mechanism, using urticating hairs that it kicks off its abdomen to deter predators.
Play the Goliath birdeater if you enjoy playing as a powerhouse predator with a fearsome reputation, ready to stalk and pounce on anything that crosses its path!
Massive size
Very Powerful fangs
Strong predator
Massive health pool (a one spider army)
Thick, hairy body provides some defense
Nocturnal hunter
Slow movement
Vulnerable when young
Limited to ground movement
Easily detected due to size
Life Cycle:
Egg > Juvenile > Adult Male/Female (Several stages)
Forrest & Jungle biome
Burrows dug into the ground, often under tree roots or rocks​
All insects beware!